You Might Be Using Too Much Toothpaste
We’ve all seen those commercials & ads that show a toothbrush with a…
How to Safely Store Your Toothbrush
We all know that brushing your teeth is essential, but did you know that how…
How Much Are Your Teeth Worth?
It’s easy to take your teeth for granted. But if you neglect them, they can end…
How Long Should You Keep Wearing Your Retainer?
More and more people are getting braces to straighten their smiles, but there’s…
What Does It Mean to Be a Dental Hygienist?
When you go to the dentist, you interact with a lot of different people in the…
How Sensitive Toothpaste Works
If you’ve noticed your teeth hurt when you eat hot, cold or sweet foods, you…
How to Choose an Electric Toothbrush
We all know that brushing your teeth is essential for good oral hygiene, but…
Is An Electric Toothbrush the Smartest Option?
Technology is constantly changing & it’s easy to get wrapped up in all the…
Why Does My Mouth Taste Like Soap?
Maybe this has happened to you. You wake up, get ready for the day, but when…
The Cutting Truth About Teething
Dentists recommend taking your child to their first dental appointment within…